I hope that people are taking heed to what's going on in the world today. The senseless tragedy involving the Hudson family; the plots to assassinate Senator Obama; the recent shootings at the college; the economic condition of our nation; the senseless war in Iraq; the families that have fallen apart due to infidelity, domestic violence, divorce, murder, sexual abuse...
I could on and on...and that's sad. We are living in the last days, and I pray that people have enough sense to see it. God is no longer playing, he never was. We better be making an effort to get it right, and quickly. Dead beat dads, cheating husbands, unfaithful wives, disobedient children, adulterers, sexual deviants, atheists...everybody!
If you're getting married, you better ask your mate,'do you love God more than me?'
If you're getting divorced, you better ask God, 'is this your will?'
If you're unsure, you better pray for faith and release from doubt
If you're searching, you'd better hurry up and find
Follow the signs...
I love this post. Sadly, I believe people are too busy romping around in their own sea of pity to know whats going on in the world or even their own lives...
Wonderful post!!!
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