
What Are The Answers????

It has been 4 months since I blogged. I needed to get back to me. I needed to shake some haters off, and heal from a couple of unexpected wounds. But God is the healer of all things, and I am fine now...but I do have a few questions.

Why do people lie?

Why does love hurt?

Why do we NEED to be loved?

When did we forget how to be happy?

When did life get so bad that we resort to the complacency?

When did men forget how to be men?

When did women cease to be ladies?

Where did all the real ones go?

Where is truth, loyalty, and devotion hiding?

Where are the men who WANT to be fathers? (to the ones they've already made)

How did our race end up like this?

How did our families fall apart?

How do we repair the damage, mend the fences, and fill the pot holes?

What are the answers?

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